APL Tennis Court Reservations Membership & Groups Help


To join the APL Tennis Club, send an email to the club officers. We will generate an invitation for you to register an account on this site. As part of the registration, please fill out all required fields. In particular, for accounting purposes, we require that you select the appropriate affiliation type. APL staff must provide their employee number (found on the back of you badge).

Member dues can be paid online through Paypal from the My Account->Payments page.

Paypal through this website is the preferred method of payment. If this does not work for you for any reason, please contact the club officers to arrange alternate payment methods.

Payment & Group Sign-ups

The "Current Groups" section will list all groups that you currently belong to, including both membership status and league memberships (new for 2018). Full club membership is indicated by the "20xx Members" or "20xx Morning Players" groups. The morning players group consists primarily of retirees and members may not reserve the courts during prime playing hours.

The "Payment & Sign-up Options" section provides a dropdown menu of the available groups that you may join. To pay your dues, select the appropriate membership type and then click through to securely submit your payment through Paypal. Upon completion, your membership status will be automatically updated on the website.

This page also includes the ability to submit other payments, and/or register for other groups. This will include the (no-cost) leagues. The "other" option should only be used when directed, for example paying for the club picnic, and includes a note field to specify details.

NOTE: The "Test League" is reserved for future beta-testing of new site features. If you are intersted in helping to test new features in the future, please join this group. Alternatively, if you would like to help on site development, please contact the webmaster at admin@apltennis.org.

Site Support

If you experience technical issues with the site, please contact the site administrator at admin@apltennis.org. For all other questions, including billing questions, please contact the officers.